Sunqua Peak Fractal

"Ah, great traveler! What fortune our destinies should cross paths on such a day!"

Sunqua is a gorgeous map, you will love to explore time and time again. Your goal is to climb to the peak and help the area find peace.



Upon first entering the Fractal you will be greeted by the Spirit of the Mountain, after some short dialog you will see some lightning strike and leave behind an orb.

Grab this orb will make your jump much higher, collect these and jump to the next platform. At the point you will need to kill some Air Elementals to spawn more orbs to keep going. Once you reach the end you will see a updraft, step into it to go to the first mini boss fight.

Voice of the Mountain


The first mini boss is Voice of the Mountain, for the most part this is a very basic fight, the big thing to manage is the two phase shifts at 66% / 33% where it will become invulnerable and orbs will spawn around the room.


Grab three of the orbs and go under one of the marked location and jump to clear it. Once you clear all of the marked spots the boss will become vulnerable again, just keep DPSing until you get it down to 1% at which point it will move and become a updraft to continue on

Saving The Water Elementals


After landing on the next platform you will see Frightened Water Elementals (they share an appearance with skimmers), you need to find and save three of them to progress. In the path leading up the next area you will see waterfalls, wait for the stream to slow down before trying to go through - alternatively these can be skipped with teleports/portals


After freeing all three elementals you will come to a small arena with a large elemental trapped in some Fallen Boulders.

You will need to destroy these boulders, and free the elemental to progress. During the fight there will be small AoE's to avoid and a beam that teathers to one player at a time, but can be passed between players to share the stacks of Tidal Bargain

Volatile energy is building up, increasing your damage dealt but reducing your movement speed. At 10 stacks, the energies will violently burst, dealing extreme damage to you and nearby allies

After defeating the boulders you will see another updraft to take you to the next area

Fury of the Mountain


Next you'll need to go through the volcano, you will need to kill a smaller mobs of Enraged Fire Elementals to open the path. At the top of the path you will jump down into an arena to fight the Fury of the Mountain.

Similar to the first boss you will just want to DPS him down and at 66%/33% you will get to see the meteor mechanic - first at 66% two meteors will drop in specific spots and release shockwaves, jump over the waves, and get behind the Meteors left on the ground to block the channeled AoE coming from Fury of the Mountain.

At 33% two players will get randomly selected and have the meteors dropped on them space them out so you can still get behind them to avoid the next large channeled AoE. After defeating the boss a new ramp will open allowing you to go up to the Graveyard before the last boss. The Spirit of the Mountain will be up there and open the door for you.

All of the bosses you have faced before are showing you the mechanics for the last fight against the Sorrowful Spellcaster

Achievement - Respect for the Dead
5 AP
Show respect for those who walked before
Use the "/Kneel" emote in front of the Tombstones

Sorrowful Spellcaster

The Sorrowful Spellcaster is the final boss of the fractal, she will have multiple phases, and incorporate the mechanics of the last three areas (Air Elemental, Tether, and Meteors) - She will start in her air phase, and shift every 33% to the next one.

Standard Attacks - In each phase she will have a few attacks that are standard, the first is her dash, where she will dash in a straight line across the arena to one edge shooting moving AoE's, she will then turn around and shoot more AoE's and do a dash back to the center with even more AoE's being spread out behind her.

Center - When she returns to the center she will spread out multiple AoE's and mark two players with large AoE's that drop under them, spread these ones out to not overlap large amounts of damage. after that her Defiance bar will open up you will want to break this bar to give yourself a good burn window. If you do not break this bar she will do a spin attack that can wipe your whole team out if you are stacked on her so IF YOU DO NOT BREAK HER BAR BACK AWAY FROM HER IMMEDIATLY.

Air Phase 100% - 66% - She will start in the air phase, in this phase do the mechanics listed above, periodically she will go to the center of the room and the orbs from the Voice of the Mountain will appear, grab three orbs and jump to at the six marked locations to end this. There will be smaller AoE red circles on the ground that will need to be avoided as they do moderate damage to anyone in them when they explode, and at 25 seconds she will do a room wide burst of energy AoE that can be dodged

Fire Phase 66% - 33% - The main attacks as before will be present, but at the start of her fire phase she will summon multiple meteors from Fury of the Mountain fight. She will summon two meteors across from each other, than another two, followed by one last set of two - the last two that drop are the safe ones that you need to be behind to avoid being downed instantly. She will repeat this phase in roughly 45 seconds.

Water Phase 33% - 1% - The water phase will have her go into the center and become invulnerable and have a large whirlpool around her, stay out of this. The first time she does this, she will push players out and have players get targeted with green AoE's and the tether from the Water Elemental step.

Share the tether with the team to prevent anyone from getting 10 stack of Tidal Bargain which will cause you to instantly go down. When she becomes vulnerable it is the same mechanics as before. When she goes into the center and creates a whirlpool again it will pull players in, if you get caught in this it can kill you extremely quickly.

When she is down to 65% she will go to the middle and you will have to break her Defiance bar again (this repeats every phase). Once broken the barrier protecting the Priestess of Melandru will drop, use your SAK to go kill her and be pulled back into the arena for Amalas next avatar shift.

Achievement - Energy Dispersal
5 AP
On the Master tier, disperse all thunderclouds during the final boss fight within 10 seconds, and then complete the encounter

Achievement - Raging Fire
5 AP
On the Master tier, defeat the final boss without being hit by Firestorm. Death removes eligibility

Achievement - Another Side, Another Story
8 AP
Discover The Truth
Collect all of the Lost Letters around the Sunqua Peak Fractal


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