A New Friend - Unlocking Skyscale
With the release of Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure we now have a new, and quicker way to get the Skyscale unlocked for your account!
Who Rescues Whom?
You must unlock the first mastery in the Secrets of the Obscure Flight Training Track
After you unlock that mastery to get started on this achievement you will need to talk to Skyscale Trainer Dyanne at the Beacon of Ages
Find An Abandoned Skyscale Egg
The first step of this achievement is to find an Abandoned Skyscale Egg. There will be several unique nests scattered along Skywatch Archipelago or Amnytas - Here are the maps of all nests we found and checked!
Skywatch Archipelago
Updated August 31st - As locations get found we will try to add them
Look through each nest by interacting with it
Once you attempt enough nests and find your egg!
Talk to Skyscale Trainer Dyanne at the Beacon of Ages
Return to Skyscale Trainer Dyanne at the same place you talked to her last time
This will open up Skyscale Egg Infusions, Skyscale Growing Comforts and Skyscale Saddle Materials - These will be shortened versions of the previous Skyscale achievement from LWS4 and do not need to be done in any specific order
Skyscale Egg Infusions
Go complete the Skyscale Egg Infusions around Tyria than return Skyscale Trainer Dyanne
Skyscale of Water
Swim to the bottom of Flooded Castavall in Bloodtide Coast
Castavall Waypoint — [&BK4BAAA=]
Swim all the way to the bottom and look for the Concentration of Magic
Interact with the spot to complete Skyscale of Water
Skyscale of Fire
Get burned by lava in the Great Imperial Smelter in the Black Citadel
Junker's Waypoint — [&BDcEAAA=]
Walk into the lava in the Great Imperial Smelter
Once you enter the lava you will complete Skyscale of Fire
Skyscale of Ice
Become encased in an ice prison caused by ice storms in Bitterfrost Frontier or during the Claw of Jormag world boss event
Sorrow's Eclipse Waypoint — [&BH0JAAA=]
Get hit by an Ice Storm during the Defend the kodan brazier from Jormag's minions event which will put you into an Ice Prison
Once you have been encased in the Ice Prison you will be done the Skyscale of Ice
Skyscale of Earth
Take damage from quicksand in Drytop
Prosperity Waypoint — [&BHoHAAA=]
You will just need to walk into the quicksand beside the Waypoint
Once you entered the Quicksand you will have completed Skyscale of Earth
Skyscale of Air
Interact with the Cluster of Winds in the Hidden Garden jumping puzzle in Mount Maelstrom
There is 4 different Keepers that you can fight to open the portal to the Hidden Garden
Criterion Waypoint — [&BMkCAAA=] - Keepers of Earth
Avernan Waypoint — [&BM8CAAA=] - Keepers of Light
Oxbow Isle Waypoint — [&BNECAAA=] - Keepers of Waves
Irwin Isle Waypoint — [&BNICAAA=] - Keepers of Winds
Kill one of the keepers and you will find a portal to enter
Head North once you are in the Hidden Garden and do the quick Jumping puzzle until you find the Cluster of Winds
Interact with the Cluster of Winds to complete the Skyscale of Air
Skyscale of Life
Revive 20 allies
The Achievement Journal states 20, but the Life-Suffused achievement states 15, you will need to revive 20 players/NPC's
Once you revive 20 players or NPC's you will complete the Skyscale of Life
Skyscale of Blood
Defeat 100 enemies within or around the Blood Hill Camps territory of Gendarran Fields
Blood Hill Waypoint — [&BI0BAAA=]
Kill 100 enemies in this area, Cave Bats do count towards the number as well - you will have an achievement tracker in your bar called Blood-Soaked
Once you kill 100 enemies you will finish Skyscale of Blood
Skyscale of Growth
Interact with the garden patch near Gardenroot Tunnel in the Grove
Reckoner's Waypoint — [&BLsEAAA=]
Enter Gardenroot Tunnel and continue North to the Garden Patch
Once you have interacted with the Garden Patch you will be done Skyscale of Growth
Skyscale of Death
Interact with the casket near the Statue of Grenth in the Temple of Grenth in the Cursed Shore
Murdered Dreams Waypoint — [&BCIDAAA=]
Find the casket and interact with it
Once you have done that you will be done with the Skyscale of Death
Skyscale of Spirit
Interact with the Cauldron of Searing in the Iron Marches
Dewclaw Waypoint — [&BOIBAAA=]
Interact with the Hero Point location - Cauldron of Searing - and place the egg
Once you have placed the egg you will be done with Skyscale of Spirit
Skyscale of Fear
Get attacked by angry chickens at Ebonhawke in Fields of Ruin
Fallen Angels Garrison Waypoint — [&BFEBAAA=]
Attack the docile chickens at the south end of Ebonhawk to spawn Angry Chickens
Once you are done getting attacked by the Angry Chickens you will be done Skyscale of Fear
Skyscale of Courage
Defeat 4 world bosses
Here is a chart from the Wiki to show you a list of upcoming World Bosses - you can find all spawn times on their Event Timers list
Once you have defeated 4 of the World Bosses you will be done Skyscale of Courage
Receipt for Infused Skyscale Egg
Talk to Skyscale Trainer Dyanne near the Beacon of Ages once you've finished this list
Return to Skyscale Trainer Dyanne at the Beacon of Ages after completing the list of eggs
Beacon of Ages Waypoint — [&BCsOAAA=]
Skyscale Growing Comforts
Collect the food, treats, and toys to help raise your new Skyscale than return to Skyscale Trainer Dyanne
Skyscale Treat
Bring 12 Pieces of Skyscale Food to Dyanne near the Beacon of Ages These are craftable in the Mystic Forge - or you can purchase them directly from Dyanne for the same materials
1 Charged Quartz
25 Bloodstone Dust
5 Globs of Ectoplasm
2 Slabs of Red Meat
Beacon of Ages Waypoint — [&BCsOAAA=]
Tasty Kryptis Skin
Defeat kryptis to obtain a treat for your skyscale. More likely to drop from champions
You can locate these in any map that has rifts, just use your "Scan for Rift" ability
Tasty Trail Ration
Defeat jotun to obtain a treat for your skyscale. More likely to drop from champions
Cascade Bridge Waypoint — [&BFQGAAA=]
Tasty Devourer Carapace
Defeat devourers to obtain a treat for your skyscale. More likely to drop from champions
Greysteel Armory Waypoint — [&BIEBAAA=]
Tasty Chak Legs
Defeat chak to obtain a treat for your skyscale. More likely to drop from champions
Ley-Line Confluence Waypoint — [&BPUHAAA=]
Tasty Moss-Covered Bark
Defeat treants to obtain a treat for your skyscale. More likely to drop from champions
Phinney Waypoint — [&BPMAAAA=]
Tasty Wurm Segment
Defeat wurms to obtain a treat for your skyscale. More likely to drop from champions
False River Waypoint — [&BDEHAAA=]
Tasty Ooze-Cured Meats
Defeat oozes to obtain a treat for your skyscale. More likely to drop from champions
Stoneguard Gate Waypoint — [&BOAAAAA=]
Forged Ankle Joint
Defeat Forged to obtain a toy for your skyscale. More likely to drop from champions
The Darklands Waypoint — [&BKMKAAA=]
Bird Whistle
Purchase a Bird Whistle from Gortho, Son of Malik, near Gladefall Run in the Iron Marches
Gladefall Waypoint — [&BO4BAAA=]
You will have to wait for Gortho, Son of Malik to become a merchant after the events Escort Gortho's expedition to Bronzeglade Crossing and Help the ogres defend Bronzeglade Crossing from the Flame Legion
Plush Quaggan
Purchase a Quaggan Plush from Sven Edson in the Wizard's Tower
Tower Courtyard Waypoint — [&BB8OAAA=]
You will find find Sven Edson slightly east of the Waypoint
Heavy-Duty Dolyak Blanket
Purchase a Heavy-Duty Dolyak Blanket from Herder Lyot near Bouldermouth Vale in Lornar's Pass
Afgar's Waypoint — [&BFMGAAA=]
Head to the Heart straight West and purchase from Herder Lyot - you will have to have the heart completed
Receipt for Skyscale Comforts
Talk to Skyscale Trainer Dyanne near the Beacon of Ages once you've finished this list
Return to Skyscale Trainer Dyanne at the Beacon of Ages after completing the list of Skyscale Comforts
Beacon of Ages Waypoint — [&BCsOAAA=]
Skyscale Saddle Materials
Collect the 10 materials to make your Skyscale Saddle than return to Skyscale Trainer Dyanne
Material Totals
29 Provisioners Tokens
375 Pinch of Stardust
Currency from Amnytas
375 Static Charge
Currency from Skywatch Archipelago
500 Essence of Despair
Found in Kryptis rifts
Stardust-Infused Leather
Purchase from the Faction Provisioner at the Bastion of the Natural in Amnytas
Bastion of the Natural Waypoint — [&BDQOAAA=]
Mist-Infused Saddle Oil
Purchase from the Faction Provisioner at the Bastion of the Obscure in Amnytas
Bastion of the Obscure Waypoint — [&BEcOAAA=]
Jade-Spun Silk Thread
Purchase from the Faction Provisioner near Jade Mech Habitation Zone 03 in Skywatch Archipelago
Kestrel's Vow Waypoint — [&BD8OAAA=]
Durable Saddle Hardware
Purchase from the Faction Provisioner at the Bastion of Strength in Amnytas
Bastion of Strength Waypoint — [&BNMNAAA=]
Rich Maguuman Mahogany
Purchase from the Faction Provisioner at Rata Novus Promenade in Skywatch Archipelago
Rata Novus Promenade Waypoint — [&BOANAAA=]
Saddlebag of Holding
Purchase from the Faction Provisioner at the Bastion of Balance in Amnytas
Bastion of Balance Waypoint — [&BD0OAAA=]
Deldrimor Rivets
Purchase from the Faction Provisioner at Droknar's Light in Skywatch Archipelago
Droknar's Light Waypoint — [&BL4NAAA=]
Garenhoff-Weave Cloth
Purchase from the Faction Provisioner at Wizard's Ascent in Skywatch Archipelago
Beacon of Ages Waypoint — [&BCsOAAA=]
Elonian Sandpaper
Purchase from the Faction Provisioner at Skyward Marches in Skywatch Archipelago
Astral Ward Encampment Waypoint — [&BA4OAAA=]
Extra-Sticky Tar
Purchase from the Faction Provisioner at the Bastion of Knowledge in Amnytas
Bastion of Knowledge Waypoint — [&BEIOAAA=]
Receipt for Skyscale Saddle Parts
Talk to Skyscale Trainer Dyanne near the Beacon of Ages once you've finished this list
Return to Skyscale Trainer Dyanne at the Beacon of Ages after completing the list of Saddle Parts
Beacon of Ages Waypoint — [&BCsOAAA=]
Train Rising Spirits In Flight Training Mastery
After completing all of the above steps you will need to max out the mastery tree Flight Training under Secrets of the Obscure Masteries
Talk to Skyscale Trainer Dyanne at the Beacon of Ages
Return to Skyscale Trainer Dyanne to complete this achievement!
Beacon of Ages Waypoint — [&BCsOAAA=]
Congrats on getting your very own Skyscale Mount!